On New Year’s Eve I was hiding under my covers scrolling
through Twitter mourning the loss of so many famous icons and generally feeling
sorry for myself. I was at a loss to think of a New Year’s Resolution other than
get my binging issues under control (I had eaten more guilt laden chocolates in
the proceeding 24hrs than I had eaten all year!)
Katie had promised herself back then, in the hardest moment
of her life that she would let herself live to twenty, she found admirable
inner strength and has taken charge of her mental health and has now successfully
hit her milestone and will continue to hit many more. I am so proud of her and
it inspired me to also give myself the chance to live.
So 2017. I don’t particularly
like the number combination and I have decided I simply don’t want it imprinted
on my gravestone. I am acknowledging the fact that I must responsibly own my
decision not to take medication anymore and I owe it to myself and also my
family to really, genuinely try and take control of my own mental health.
I have decided that this year suicide is off the table, it
is just not an option. I am going to choose to let myself live! I am going to
enjoy the little things, I WILL STOP self-sabotaging, I will force myself to
get up and participate and I will do things that I never believed I could.
I will spend more time with the family |
I will get fix my poor garden! |
(Work in progress)
2017 bucket list:
- Write every week or more often
- Climb Mt Kosciuszko
- Continue to exercise daily, building up my running time
- Listen to music daily
- Spend time in nature at least 3 times per week
- Get on top of my garden and make it beautiful again
- Finally run in the “mothers day classic’ fun run
- Have photo books printed
- Spend more time with the family
· Eat quality foods that will nourish my body
Let the games begin. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!
You can also follow the podcast @mentalpod and Katie @rosearium
on Twitter
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