Today I am supposed to go grocery shopping, the kids are back
at school tomorrow and ordinarily I would just do it then, however I need to
buy Mr 14 some new clothes as he is growing like a weed and he needs to try
them on, I have been putting it off all holidays.
As a mother of four children I have developed a relatively regular
routine during the school term which helps the family function as well as
keeping my bipolar fairly stable. I am forced out of bed rain, hail or
depression to take the kids to school, I feed/clean the animals, exercise for
60 minutes which quietens my eating disorder voice, then I have to shower as I
am too sweaty not to and tick off a ‘to do’ list of household chores while
getting my social interaction through Twitter & blogs.
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Image stolen from here |
School holidays throw me right out of whack, I tend to have
trouble sleeping at night then fall asleep around 4am until 10am and often don’t
get a chance to exercise until the evening. I have less opportunity to write, other
children come and go from our house and I am expected to socialise in real life
with real people often over meal times. The disruption in routine triggers mood
swings and the lack of control flares eating disorder behaviours and somewhere
in between I have to make time for grocery shopping.
My husband has difficulty understanding why I have so much
trouble taking the kids out of the house to go grocery shopping, they listen to
him better than they listen to me, they don’t seem to beg him for things the
way they beg me and while I know this is due to lack of consistency on my part
simply the thought of the impending outing sends my anxiety skyrocketing.
Grocery shopping is an anxiety trigger for me at the best of
times, my eating disorder dramatically impacts the way I shop. This is better at
the moment than it has been in the past as I now eat different meals to my
family, generally the same three things week in week out, and that helps me
feel calm enough to purchase pre-determined ‘safe’ foods for myself without
having to stop and read the nutrition panels 100 times.
Nowadays I shop on Mondays, I pre organise the week’s meals
and have a shopping list that I stick to which is written out in the order that
the aisles go. I can buy the food for my family without worrying too much about
it as I know I am not going to be eating it anyway. I stack things in the
trolley so they are easy to unpack onto the register, I still get anxious but I
have my system and it works for me.
When I throw taking children with me into the mix it complicates
my routine, they of course want to help, which should be wonderful except that
they run off in different directions getting things and throwing them into the
trolley at random while I desperately try to organise the items into their ‘proper’
place. I know this is my problem not theirs, it’s a control thing.
Then the kids inevitably start asking for items not on the
list, we are on a fairly tight budget since I haven’t been working and maths isn’t
my strong point at the best of times, let alone when I am in a busy supermarket
trying to rearrange a trolley and being asked 4 different questions from 4
different children.
I tend to say yes much more often than I should, this
started when they were very young because I couldn’t stand them having tantrums
in public because I felt so embarrassed and harshly judged. As they have grown
the tantrums evolved into whiny incessant begging which turns my already
anxious brain to complete mush, they have learned if they beg hard enough and
stress me out enough they will eventually get what they want.
My husband simply says ‘No’ once and they leave it alone,
because they know he won’t change his mind. He doesn’t understand how I am
intellectually aware of this hole I have dug for myself but my anxiety impacts
my ability to put my foot down and start climbing out of it. Usually by the
time we leave the supermarket my anxiety is through the roof and I am swearing
blind that I will never take them out of the house again, I get angry and
shouty and shaky.
So it’s 1pm and I have been putting this shopping trip off
since around 9am but I’d better go soon or I’m going to run out of time as it
takes over an hour just to get there. I woke up angry and stressed and this was
followed by lots of things that could go wrong going wrong ie accidently
dropped a glass, broke the dogs ceramic water bowl, spilt coffee all over me… I
was kind of concerned that if I left the house I would probably be in a car
accident or something.
I feel much calmer after writing this though and Hubby has
said that I can drop the younger kids off at his workshop and just take Mr 14
to get his clothes and the groceries so I’d better stop procrastinating and go.
Wish me luck!
Do you take your children shopping with you?
If so, what coping techniques do you use?
I think shopping with one teenager is enough! And mine is really good - she pushes the trolley and helps grab what we need, but she talks incessantly, interfering with my concentration with really frustrates me, and I often leave the shops having forgotten something, even if it's on the list! Lots of deep breathing is needed!
ReplyDeleteYou are so much braver than I am. I usually shop at 1-2:00 am, and even then it can get difficult.