Tuesday, 28 February 2017


So I downloaded a book. You know when you start reading something and you know you shouldn’t? When your mind is already teetering on the edge of 'so high you're barely getting away with acting normal' and 'falling deep into forgotten pain' and yet you do it anyway, because so fucking much about this mental illness bullshit is fucking doing it anyway.

 Against better judgement, whatever that is; it seems I wouldn’t know.

I look into the mirror now, my un-made face wrinkled and old looking, dark circles frame my usually sparkly blue eyes which are currently lifeless and grey, the white parts bloodshot from crying pointless tears about a fictional situation, a story that never happened, in a place that never existed and yet so possibly could have and nearly did; to me.  

Triggers piss me off, I don’t want to be one of those fragile people who need a trigger warning on anything and everything just in case the way something is worded offends me or sets me off into a downward spiral of self-loathing and regret.

Should I not be ‘adult’ enough to recognise what is and isn’t good for me? Besides this book might as well have had ‘trigger’ in the title, but I thought I was strong enough right now, guess not.
Mental health topics always catch my eye as I scroll through the Amazon shop on my kindle. I am, like many other people, drawn to things that help me learn to understand myself, or at least make me feel less alone.

I downloaded a book about a girl with Anorexia, it was unclear whether it was fact or fiction initially, although it soon became apparent that it was fiction dressed as fact, it was portrayed in a diary style, the rendition of a teenager suffering from an eating disorder. It fairly accurately described the fall down, somewhat glossed recovery and then dived headfirst and on target into relapse. Fucking relapse.

Thoughts and feelings I have been squishing down and stomping on, bubbled straight to the surface. I was taken back to my youth, back to various mild relapses, back to my major relapse in 2013/14. At some point I realised this was affecting me too much and that it wasn’t healthy to keep reading.

I considered putting down the kindle and going for my run, but instead I ate 6 hot cross buns and continued to read anyway, fully aware of the almost rebellious irony in my actions.
Perhaps now is a time in my life when I need ‘Prince Charming’s’ to come swooping into every tale promising me roses and a happily ever after, to treat me like a child and hide realities awful truths that I am inept to handle.

There seemed to be an air of authenticity to the ‘anonymous’ writing that I can only imagine that the author indeed suffered from that bastard disease herself. I eye the rest of myself in the mirror. Part of my brain screams ‘Fat Whore’ and I wonder what the point of it all is.

I have gained around 20kg since they weighed me on my first day of an involuntary hospitalisation for mania in 2014. I had been becoming increasingly manic for almost a year, the manic lack of hunger triggered a brutal Anorexia relapse to add to the fun, I was fluctuating between flying high and suicidal on a daily basis and my weight had slowly dropped by close to 30kg.

That short hospital stay was ironically when I got my period back for the first time in over 8 months and if I had not been locked in a secure ward when that happened, I am sure I would have killed myself on the spot. It began a slow and steady weight gain and subsequent slide into depression.

I was disgusting.

After my suicide attempt and long hospital stay in May/June/July 2015 I realised that I had put 20kg back on, I then shed a lot of that without effort during a hypomania in the following October – I spent 6 weeks writing my book day and night and constantly forgot to eat, surviving mostly on black coffee. 

That episode came and went without hospital, and while my eating was still definitely disordered rather than restricting I began binging but not purging and as such put on some weight. The doctors focused on the bipolar aspect of my mental health rather than the eating disorder because I was no longer “too thin” for physical complications, even though the ED has probably done way more lasting damage than the bipolar ever did by itself. 

To compensate for the gain I took up running but even despite that slowly and surely the weight has piled back on and I am currently back to the size I was when I got out of hospital the second time. When I hurt my ankle in January and couldn’t run I was devastated. Knowing I was this big while I WAS exercising made me terrified of what I would become when I wasn’t.

Somehow I didn’t really gain much weight over that time, despite continued binging. My ankle is better and I’m running again now, it helps keep my moods in check, I’m still fat, still binging and still hating my reflection but a recent hypomania had let me view the mess from outside my body and not “feel” it so I was coping.

Reading the end of this book today has thrown me hard and fast back into my body and I am exhausted by the weight of it all, pardon the pun. 

What didn’t help is that it didn’t have a happy ending, in fact *spoiler alert* the main character died; some would call this realistic. I call it just another reason to wonder why the hell I am alive to sit here and type this? There are so many times in my life when I should have died, each of them perpetrated by the state of my own mind. 

This is a seemingly endless cycle and I don’t think I can keep it up for much longer.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Music makes the world go round

I slept last night, slept in this morning in fact, waking only to my daughter informing me that it was 7:27am and it was time to leave for school. SHIT! Pulling on the nearest items that could pass for clothing, including Black hippy skirt, blue floral flowy top, mint green cardigan and Ugg boots. Stylish.

I eyed my bed hair and yesterdays smudged mascara in the mirror, grabbed my car keys, tripped over the rug and yelled at the kids to get in the car hoping that they were actually awake and dressed since I was yet to sight them that morning.

 Amazingly enough, my self-sufficient little darlings had readied themselves and despite not having yet had coffee and not being quite certain of whether I was awake or dreaming, I managed to ferry them to the bus stop without incident. Didn’t even run over a kangaroo!

Now that I’m a bit more with it, I can feel that today is calmer and with its calm, it has brought me the gift of a snotty nose and inflamed sinuses. My mind is still firing left and right and mentally I still feel a bit like I am trapped in a bubble, observing the world on a high definition television screen. 

But for the most part reality is coexisting with me and my body is physically getting on and doing things on autopilot. I went to hang out the washing and I had already done it, I have no recollection of that.

I keep having brilliant brainwaves but I can’t commit to an idea for long enough to act on it or write it down and I keep forgetting where I was up to, attention span issues.

 Just found out that legendary comedian Will Anderson has been touring in a city near enough for me to get to AND I MISSED IT.

The discovery that Coldplay and The Chainsmokers collaborated on a song made my heart sing and my wallet bleed; I never leave iTunes as rich as I went in but then again I guess its a sound investment because when it comes down to it music makes the world go round. See what I did there?

I caught up with my best mate from life before adulthood is about to release a new album “Beautiful Shadows” in March 2017 and its great. Fuck I am proud of him, from the day I met him in Yr 8 maths class he wanted to sing and write music and he damn well did it. 

He sometimes worries that because he doesn’t have “a real job” or kids or a partner that he’s not “adulting” properly, but his entire life he has always stayed true to himself and that’s something I really fucking admire, so lying in a bed of nostalgia, I dreamed of what could have been and wrote him a song; well the lyrics to one anyway, my musical talent begins and ends with the air guitar.

I will leave you with a Tom song, this is one of my faves “Flying on the 88” its going to be on the "Beautiful Shadows" album and it was filmed on a NY roof top during a freezing winter. Wish I had been there, sigh…

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Being in control and fate of the death tree

Glance down 150km p/hr, look up nah… surely that’s not possible. Glance down again, 155… hmmm, doesn’t feel like it, feels more like 80. Flo Rider blasts into my ears through my brand new $250 headphones. The passenger seat is full of the mornings other spontaneous purchases that I can’t actually afford, but its payday and I don’t particularly care. Yet.

My body is tingling, the hairs on my arms prickle and my rose coloured sun glasses are changing the colour of the high yellow grass in the paddocks into an inviting vibrant green. There is nobody around, it’s just me, the music and the open road. I slowly depress my right foot further on to the accelerator. Glance down, 165 now. It’s like nothing, I have complete control. 

175. Time and space no longer exist and I am traveling in a vortex, transfixed on the clear path ahead, trees flash past and I am absorbed by the bitumen as it shimmers in the heat of the day.
180. feels a little faster now, not fast enough though; foot flat. 

195. The tree line is approaching and so is a bend and a large truck on the other side of the road a wave of exhilaration passes through me, singing along to the music I debate trying to push through to 200. Just a little more cant hurt…

The music can read my thoughts: “feeling forty-three million feet up in the sky full of diamonds…” Fuck yeah I am! 198. I am no longer a physical being, just a collection of energy particles combined together to create an illusion. I am simply a hologram, capable of separating and re-forming at will. 

The truck is suddenly closer now. I wonder if I could separate my particles wide enough to pass right through it, after all we are just made of energy. Would we enmesh in gross physical carnage or would we pass straight through the space time continuum and each other continuing along as though we had never met? 

The straight stretch of road runs out and I am forced to slow for the bends, 150. 140. The truck driver shakes his head as he passes and I blow him a kiss. We could have traveled time together, he and I, yet he will never even know. 

I round a familiar bend and notice that the ‘death tree’ is lying down and parts of it have been chopped up; it must have fallen over onto the road in the storm the other night. I am struck by an absurd pang grief for the old gum and the knowledge that I don’t know how I feel about that.

The ‘death tree’ is a very large, broad-trunked eucalypt, positioned in an ideal spot around a sharpish corner to palm off ones’ suicide as an ‘unfortunate accident’ should the need ever arise. I have pointedly aimed my car at it at high speed on more than one occasion but always pulled back at the last minute. Knowing it’s an option has been enough.

Flashes of random irritability, anxiety and suicidality have been haunting the edges of my current hypomanic state and although at that moment I certainly wasn’t wanting to die, or even believing that it was physically possible for me to die, the knowledge that that particular option had been taken away from me forever was rather odd.

Before I know it I am pulling up in my driveway, the journey home has seemed much quicker than usual. I catch my reflection in the windscreen and assess myself for a minute. I’m driving too fast, I’m spending too much, I can see that I am but I am doing it anyway. My mood is escalating.

From a logical perspective I am aware that driving at nearly twice the speed limit is a bad idea, I know intellectually that if I was caught doing that I would get arrested, lose my license, be fined thousands of dollars and generally humiliated. I understand that traveling at those high speeds poses risk to the safety of other drivers.

But I am unable to find the guilt and care that should come with that knowledge. It didn’t FEEL dangerous; I was completely in control, wasn’t I? 

Even when I was counseled by a tweep before buying my new headphones (Thanks Carrie) asking wisely if I needed them? No. Would I regret buying them later? Probably. Can I afford them? No. Was I completely in control when I pulled out the credit card? As much as I hate to admit it, the answer is a resounding no.

My thoughts are racing, they are slowly losing construction and I am drifting in and out of myself. I fear that I’m heading towards a mixed episode rather than an epiphany and it scares the shit out of me. I am losing control. Again.