Friday, 19 August 2016


So I lost it, big time. 

It was coming for a while, I’ve been cranky and teary and generally on the verge for weeks, the final straw came after I sent my computer away to be fixed. You see the computer has had trouble picking up my wifi signal since I bought it – all other devices and laptops in the house – and I live with teenagers, so there are plenty- work all the time, first time so I wasn’t blaming the overpriced “top of the range” router we were tricked talked into purchasing by a fast talking 15yr old salesman with a beanie and a lip ring, no I was pretty sure it was my new ASUS laptop and so after waiting for 8 months due to laziness I finally took it back to the well-known electrical retailer I had bought it from and they had it sent off to be looked at. 

After receiving a text message to inform me my computer was ready for retrieval I drove the 80minute trek into town to the store. Now my melt down didn’t occur when a rude eye rolling 16yr old sales girl chewing gum pointed to the back of the store and sarcastically said haughtily “pick up’s are over there” duh, of course I should know that fact innately. Nor when the man informed me unapologetically that they checked the wifi and it was working fine for them so they didn’t do anything.

It was when I got home and turned on my baby with the intent of getting a song on iTunes that the computer promptly asked me “What language would you like to choose?” 

That’s when I lost it, screaming, crying, yelling, throwing things – the works. WTF!!!???
They had not identified a hardware problem with the wifi adapter and the computer software was never broken so presumably just for laughs they had factory re-set it. Which I have confirmed with IT professionals since wouldn’t do a bloody thing, either the receiver is broken or not. It’s a hardware issue and no amount of factory re-setting software would fix it.

EVERYTHING I loved and cared about was on that computer (yes I am aware how materialistic that sounds) STUPIDLY I hadn’t backed it all up, in particular my 85,000 word memoir – which I had not backed up the most recent draft. A years worth of pictures of my children, invoices from my husband’s work, Microsoft Office, Windows 10, Norton.


I don’t think I have ever cried so hard in my life, not even when people have died, shows how shallow I am at my core, all I could do was sob and ask WHY? Why had I not backed up my stuff? Why did I not just put up with the dodgy WiFi? WHYYYYYYY MEEEEEEE!!???????
So I finally snapped out of my rather suicidal tantrum and have spent the day trying to re set up the computer to functioning point trying to find log in details for anti-virus software and Microsoft office, I’m also pretty pissed off because the windows 10 download isn’t free anymore either. Grrr. Oh and the kicker?


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