So I thought I would do a little story about one of my nostalgic songs each Sunday when nobody is reading anyway, this week its an old school Peter, Paul and Mary rendition of "Lemon Tree".
So "Lemon Tree" takes me back to a rather stressful point in my life as the 17yr old brand new mother of a very colicky baby.
The poor little man cried day in day out in obvious pain and there wasn't a damn thing hubby or I could do about it, we had tried all of the potions from the chemist to no avail, I felt like a terrible mother. One day we had a Peter, Paul and Mary CD playing and as my husband rocked our crying baby son the song "Lemon Tree" came on and just like that he stopped crying and went to sleep.
We had found the magic key and thereafter "Lemon Tree" became the song of late night feedings and 5pm colic soothing. When my son later developed night terrors we found putting "Lemon Tree" on repeat before he went to bed seemed to help prevent episodes.
So "Lemon Tree" as sick to death of it as I am now, can be credited with mostly maintaining my sanity as a new mother and every time I look at my lemon tree in the backyard I am taken back to that song and that time in my life.
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